Monday · January 1, 2024
Bridger National Forest Horse Trails | Dec 2023 | Top Horse Trails
Author: Admin

I'm sorry for any confusion, but there seems to be a mix-up in your request. There does not appear to be a 'Bridger National Forest' in the United States. There's a Bridger-Teton National Forest in Wyoming, and a Bridger Wilderness located within it. I will assume these are the areas you're referring to and base my research on them.


After doing thorough research, I have found several trails in the Bridger-Teton National Forest that allow horses, according to official sources like the U.S. Forest Service website.


1. **Green River Lakes Trail:** This popular trail is horse-friendly and offers stunning views of Squaretop Mountain and Upper and Lower Green River Lakes. It also provides access to other trails in the Wind River Range.


2. **Bridger Lake Trail:** Horse riders are welcomed on this trail which connects to the Continental Divide Trail. It offers beautiful views of Bridger Lake and the surrounding wilderness.


3. **New Fork Lakes Trail:** Starting at the New Fork Lakes Campground, this horse-allowed trail offers an exciting adventure through dense forest and scenic lake areas.


4. **Boulder Lake Trail:** This trail, starting from the Boulder Lake Campground, offers a gentle climb and a diverse eco-system. Horses are allowed, but they must stay on the trail.


5. **Roaring Fork Trail:** This horse-friendly trail climbs steadily through forests and meadows, offering great views of the surrounding wilderness.


6. **Teton Wilderness Area Trails:** Horses are allowed on most trails in this area, and it provides a true wilderness experience for riders and their horses.


Remember that horse riders need to respect the trails and follow Leave No Trace principles. It's important to ensure that all horse manure is packed out from trailheads or campsites, and that horses are not tied to trees or allowed to graze within 200 feet of a body of water. Always check local regulations before embarking on a trail ride.


To ensure the most accurate information, always reach out to the local U.S. Forest Service office or consult their official website.


NOTE: This article was researched and written by AI for SEO purposes only and isn't generally meant for human consumption - although a lot of the information can be helpful 99% of the time.  If you are a human, please utilize the Trail and Camp links at the top of the page and the location map to learn about locations for horse trails and horse camping - that information is verified by a human and more apt to be correct.... althought human error is a thing too. In regards to information in this article, please double-check with the park to ensure accurate and up-to-date trail information for horseback riding.