Monday · June 27, 2022
Essential Tips To Follow For Keeping Your Equine Healthy On The Horse Trails
Author: Admin

Discovering a hobby you enjoy participating in is an effective way to lessen your stress levels. Horse trails can be an excellent thing to indulge in if you love riding and being outdoors. These days, many people enjoy taking their favorite horse on a long trail ride. If you are one of them and looking forward to horse trail riding, it is crucial to ensure that your horse stays healthy and well-protected throughout the journey.

  • Progressively Build Up The Level Of Fitness And Endurance Of Your Horse
  • Offering Your Horse With Lots Of Rewards
  • Always Be Aware Of The Footing
  • Carry A Simple Equine First Aid Kit With You
  • Make Sure That Your Horse Is Updated On Immunizations

By strictly adhering to these tips, you can ensure a safe riding experience for your horse and yourself.

How To Keep Your Horse Healthy On The Trail?

Are you looking forward to taking your horse on a trail ride? If your answer is yes, you should know about some of the best horse trail riding tips, which will help keep your horse healthy on the trail. All you need is to consider the tips we will discuss below for success. So, now let's talk about these in detail in the following section:

Essential Tips To Follow For Keeping Your Equine Healthy On The Horse Trails

Discovering a hobby you enjoy participating in is an effective way to lessen your stress levels. Horse trails can be a great thing to indulge in if you love riding and being outdoors. These days, many people enjoy taking their favorite horse on a long trail ride. If you are one of them and looking forward to “horse trail riding near me”, it is crucial to ensure that your horse stays healthy and well-protected throughout the journey. 

Again, if you are going on horse trails for the first time, you should seek professionals' assistance. In this aspect, you should focus on searching for a company that can provide you with great “horse riding trails near me”

Top Horse Trails is one such company located in Colorado. We at Top Horse Trails recognize that many of the equestrians ride the same trails again and again as they do not have an idea about where else to ride. 

So, to make the work of riders easy, we are involved in researching and curating horse trails from all over, and finally, we compile all this info into comprehensive trail pages. So that the riders can effortlessly discover those, confidently try them, and easily share their incredible experiences. Now, let's discuss the tips to follow for keeping your horse healthy on the trail:

  • Progressively Build Up The Level Of Fitness And Endurance Of Your Horse

If you find that your horse profusely sweats even after a short ride, seems out of breath, or fails to keep up with the rest of the group, there may be something wrong with their health. In such a case, you should focus on designing a routine exercise program for your horse that will help to improve its overall health. It will again help to get your horse in better shape.

  • Offering Your Horse With Lots Of Rewards

While going horseback riding, you should keep your horse happy and motivated. It is crucial for its overall health and well-being. Some riders are so focused on ensuring their comfort that they overlook their horse. 

But it would help if you never ignored your horse. It would be best to routinely reward your horse with a lot of snacks for their hard work on a trail ride. If you fail to do so, then they may start to act out a little. So, it is essential to bring goodies and snacks for your horse.

Some healthy snacking options for your horse to consume in moderation include apples, grapes, and mint. If you wish, you can carry along beetroot and cantaloupe with you. However, to avoid any significant health issues in your horse, you should avoid giving them specific things such as potatoes, cabbage, and onions as snacks. 

So, bringing healthy snacks for your horse that they love will ensure a fantastic trail riding experience. It will also help to avoid any significant health issues in your horse successfully.

  • Always Be Aware Of The Footing

You must be mindful of the footing. In this regard, you can consider checking for boggy mud when crossing water as it can act like sand, entrapping your horse. It can again lead to strained and pulled ligaments and tendons. So, you should necessarily avoid galloping or trotting over rocky and hard ground to avoid this sort of issue as it can cause a severe stone bruise. 

Not only that, but constant concussive forces on hard ground can consequence in a case of road founder or laminitis. Thus, it is always recommended to use common sense on the trail, which aids in effectively warding off an injury in your horse.

  • Carry A Simple Equine First Aid Kit With You

It is necessary to pack a simple equine first aid kit while you are going on a horse riding trail. Always include a pack of roll cotton, gauze sponges, and a leg wrap in your first aid kit.

  • Make Sure That Your Horse Is Updated On Immunizations

As your horse is coming in contact with several unfamiliar horses, you should ensure that it is updated on immunizations. It mainly includes West Nile Virus if you plan to ride along waterways where mosquitoes are widespread.

In A Nutshell 

After reading this comprehensive guide, we hope now you understand the crucial tips you need to follow to keep your equine healthy on the horse trails near me. By strictly adhering to these tips, you can ensure a safe riding experience for your horse and yourself. 

We at Top Horse Trails are on a mission to get more equestrians out on trails to provide access for future and current trail riders. Have any more related queries? Feel free to ask us.