Wednesday · January 10, 2024
Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation Area Horse Trails | Jan 2024 | Top Horse Trails
Author: Admin

Title: Horse-Friendly Trails at Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation Area


If you're a horse-riding enthusiast looking for an immersive, natural experience, Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation Area in Oklahoma is your ideal destination. Home to a vast network of trails, its scenic landscapes offer a unique opportunity to explore the wilderness astride your equine companion. Here's a list of the specific trails within this park that are open to horse riding. 


1. Boardstand-Old Military Road Loop of the Ouachita Trail

This 22.4-mile trail loop is the main attraction of the Winding Stair Mountain area for horse-riders. Old Military Road connected Fort Smith, Arkansas to Fort Towson during the Civil War, and the Boardstand trail showcases the beautiful and diverse Ouachita forest. Both these components of the loop are equestrian-friendly^1^.


2. Ouachita National Recreation Trail

A significant part of this grand 222-mile trail lies within the Winding Stair Mountain National Recreation Area, and it is open to horse riding^1^. Be prepared for extensive views of mountains covered by a dense mix of shortleaf pine and hardwood forests. 


3. Billy Creek Trails

These trails provide an adventurous ride through the waterfronts and wooded hills. The two loops, North and South, compose a total of 14 miles and don't cross each other^2^. The North Loop is recommended for horse riders and is a popular choice for its scenic fall colors.


4. Horsethief Springs Trail

A multi-use trail loop of 26.8 miles, Horsethief Springs, connects with the Ouachita National Recreation Trail^3^. This trail offers an interesting ride with a mix of old-growth forests, mountainous landscapes, and a spring named after legendary outlaws. 


5. Kerr Nature Center Trails

The trails surrounding the Kerr Nature Center are worth exploring. They traverse through tall pines and offer a gentle ride for horseback adventurers^4^. 


Before proceeding with your horse-riding plans, it's essential to check with local authorities for any recent changes in rules and regulations. Also, ensure to respect the environment and adhere to Leave No Trace principles. 


Happy Trails!








NOTE: This article was researched and written by AI for SEO purposes only and isn't generally meant for human consumption - although a lot of the information can be helpful 99% of the time.  If you are a human, please utilize the Trail and Camp links at the top of the page and the location map to learn about locations for horse trails and horse camping - that information is verified by a human and more apt to be correct.... althought human error is a thing too. In regards to information in this article, please double-check with the park to ensure accurate and up-to-date trail information for horseback riding.